When is legal advice for an Aged Care Agreement required?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

When is legal advice for an Aged Care Agreement required?

Navigating aged care agreements is pivotal for families transitioning loved ones. These contracts outline services, costs, and rights, ensuring clarity and preventing disputes. Legal advice aids in understanding complexities, negotiating terms, and safeguarding loved ones' well-being and rights during this critical transition.

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What can (and cannot) be gifted in a will?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

What can (and cannot) be gifted in a will?

Estate planning involves careful consideration of what assets can and can't be gifted in a Last Will and Testament under Australian law. Real estate, personal property, financial assets, business interests, and even digital assets can typically be gifted. However, assets held in joint tenancy, superannuation, certain trust assets, illegal acquisitions, assets with specific designations, and some family provision claims have limitations. Seeking professional legal advice ensures that testamentary intentions align with legal requirements, allowing individuals to create comprehensive estate plans that protect assets and honor their wishes posthumously. Understanding these guidelines empowers testators to navigate estate planning complexities effectively.

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Why everyday Australians can benefit from a testamentary trust.
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Why everyday Australians can benefit from a testamentary trust.

In Australia, testamentary trusts are a cornerstone of effective estate planning, offering a multitude of benefits to individuals seeking to safeguard their assets and provide for their loved ones. With the ability to shield assets from creditors, minimise tax liabilities, and tailor distributions to meet specific needs, testamentary trusts provide a flexible and robust framework for managing wealth across generations. By incorporating a testamentary trust into your will, you can ensure that your legacy endures, empowering your family members with financial security and stability long after you're gone. Discover how testamentary trusts can help you maximise your legacy and protect what matters most to you.

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Do you include Cryptocurrency in Your Australian Will?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Do you include Cryptocurrency in Your Australian Will?

Can you gift cryptocurrency in your Australian will? The answer lies in the legal intricacies surrounding digital assets. While traditional assets like property and cash are easily transferred through wills, cryptocurrencies present unique challenges due to their intangible nature and complex ownership structures. Australian law is evolving to accommodate this digital revolution, but clarity on inheritance of cryptocurrencies remains murky. Factors such as private keys, security measures, and regulatory frameworks complicate matters. Seeking professional legal advice is crucial to navigate this uncharted territory and ensure your digital assets are distributed according to your wishes, highlighting the importance of updating estate planning strategies in the digital age.

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How can I care for special needs dependants after I pass away?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

How can I care for special needs dependants after I pass away?

Ensuring the well-being of loved ones is a fundamental aspect of estate planning. In our latest blog post, discover why drafting a will that specifically addresses the unique needs of dependents with special needs is crucial. Explore the impact of thoughtful planning, legal considerations, and how this proactive approach can provide a secure future for your loved ones. Don't leave their care to chance – empower your legacy with compassionate and comprehensive estate planning.

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Can I leave my property to a loved one if it has a mortgage?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Can I leave my property to a loved one if it has a mortgage?

In Australian estate planning, property inheritance poses intricate challenges, especially amidst mortgage entanglements. Transferring real estate through a will, entwined with a mortgage, demands nuanced legal handling. This blog post discusses the complexities facing Beneficiaries and Executors when dealing with real estate subject to a mortgage, as well as the duties of Executors and steps Beneficiaries should take to protect themselves from inheriting the accompanying mortgage responsibilities.

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Why do I need a Company Power of Attorney?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Why do I need a Company Power of Attorney?

In the fast-paced world of business, the unexpected can happen at any moment. That’s why a Company Power of Attorney is more that just a legal document - its your company’s safety net. In this blog post, I delve into why every business, regardless of its size, should have a Company Power of Attorney in place. Discover how the simple but powerful tool can protect your business’s interests and ensure its resilience in times of uncertainty.

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Do I need Guardianship for my children?
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Do I need Guardianship for my children?

Planning for the future isn’t just about finances; it’s about the well-being of your loved ones. When it comes to children, having a guardianship clause in your will is more than a legal necessity, it’s a heartfelt commitment. In this blog post, I explore the critical importance of including guardianship provisions in your will, ensuring that your children are cared for by trusted individuals if the unforeseen ever occurs.

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Choosing an Executor
Jarrod Kenney Jarrod Kenney

Choosing an Executor

Choosing the right executor is necessary to ensure the administration of your estate is efficient and accurate. This blog includes some key factors to consider when deciding who to appoint as the executor of your will.

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